Present Continous Tense
Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada saat sekarang atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
Pattern:Subject   +(is,am,are) +verb. -ing
Adverbs of Time:
now, today, at present,at this moment this week, this month,this year, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight
(+)The students are playing foot ball in the yard now
(-)The students are not playing basket ball in the yard now
(?) A: Are the students playing football in the yard now?
      B: yes, they are (jawaban "yes" singkat)
        Yes, they are playing football in the yard now
      A: Are the students playing basket ball in the yard now?
      B: No, they aren't (jawaban "no" singkat)
        No, they aren't playing basket ball in the yard now
Simple Present Tense
Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fact (fakta), habitual action (kejadian yang dilakukan berulang-ulang), general truth (kebenaran umum), atau present (kejadian yang terjadi saat ini)
(+) Subject (I,we, you, they)+ Verb 1
    Subject (He, She, it)+ verb 1+ S
(-) Subject (I,we,you,they)+ do not + verb 1
    Subject (He, She, it)+ does not + verb 1
(?) Do (I,we,you,they) + Subject + verb 1
    Does (He,She,it) + Subject + verb 1
Simple Present Passive
Pattern:Subject   +(is,am,are) +verb 3 +(by +Object)
(+)The table is made of word
(-)The knife is not made of word
(?) A:Is the table made of word?
      B:Yes,it is
        It is made of word
(?) A:Is the knife made of word?
      B:No,it isn't. It is not made of word
(?) A:What is the knife made of?
      B:It is made of Stainless Steel.
Note: Made adalah kata kerja ke 3 dari "make"
        Verb 1    Verb 2    Verb 3
        Make     Made     Make
Simple Past Tense
Tense ini mengungkapkan segala kegiatan kita yang dilakukan di waktu lampau dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan sekarang
Pattern(+) Subject   +verb 2 +(Object)  +Adverb
(-) Subject   +did +not +verb 1 +(Object+Adverb)
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + (Object) + Adverb
Adverb of time yang digunakan untuk simple past tense;just now,this morning, yesterday.
Last ........... ago, etc
Contoh dalam kalimat
(+) Father went abroad last week
(-) Father didn't go abroad last Sunday
(?) A:Did father go abroad last week?
      B:yes,he did.(Jawaban singkat, ya)
        Yes, he went abroad last week.(jawaban "ya", lengkap)
      A:Did father go abroad last sunday?
      B:no,he didn't. (jawaban singkat, "no")
        No,he didn't go abroad last Sunday.(jawaban "no",lengkap)
      A:Who went abroad last sunday?
      B:Father did
      A:When did Father abroad?
      B:last week
Simple Future Tense
Ketika kita berjalan tentang kegiatan masa depan, biasanya kita menggunakan simple future tense. ada dua cara untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan masa depan
- Mengekspresikan tanggapan segera
ketika kita memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu pada saat berbicara, kita menggunakan ekspresi sebagai berikut:
I will (I'll) post the letter
She will (she'll) take the phone call
They will (they'll) be happy
I will not (won't) post the letter
She will not (won't) take the phone call
They will not (won't) be happy
Pertanyaan Yes/no
Will you post she letter for me?
Will they be happy?
When will you past the letter?
Why won't they be happy? - Mengekspresikan rencana pribadi
Ketika kita mengatakan apa yang telah kita putuskan untuk dilakukan atau apa yang ingin kita lakukan di masa depan, kita menggunakan ekspresi sebagai berikut:
We are (we're) going to continue our study
I am (I'm) going to be there
We are not (aren't) going to continue our study
I am not going to be there
Pertanyaan Yes/no
Are you all going to continue your study?
Are you going to be there alone?
Pertanyaan - Wh
Where are you going to continue your study?
Who is going to be there?
Present Perfect Active
Subject + have/has + verb-3
I/We/You/They → have
He/She/It → has
Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dalam kalimat
- Digunakan untuk mengatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan sekarang.
Contoh: Tini has been here since morning
(Tini telah berada disini sejak pagi) - Digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu perbuatan ulangan pada waktu yang tidak ditentukan, dalam hal ini sering memakai kata-kata seperti; before, already; ever; never; yet...
Contoh: They have already drunk their coca cola
(Mereka telah selesai minum coca cola) - Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu singkat.
Contoh: Tono has just spoken to me
(Tono baru saja berbicara denganku)
Have not bisa menjadi haven't
Has not bisa menjadi hasn't
- Present (Sekarang):
Can, May, Will, Shall, {Have to,Must,Ought to} - Past (Masa lalu) :
Could, Might, Would, Should, {Had to}
Can | a. Ability (Kemampuan) | He can swim |
b. Permission | A: Can I make a reservation for my trip to Singapore B: Certainly madam when will you have it A: Tomorow | |
c. Request (Permintaan) | A: Can you pass me the knife please? B: Certainly | |
May | a. Permission (Ijin) | A: May I book a train seat for this afternoon? B: I am sorry all tickets have been sold out |
c. Possibility (Kemungkinan) | Andrew is absent to day he may be ill | |
shall | a. Future time | I shall come tomorrow morning |
b. Permission | It is hot in this room, shall I turn on the AC? | |
Must | a. Necessity (Keharusan) | You must go now |
Conclusion (Kesimpulan) | The lady always helps a doctor in a hospital, she must be a nurse | |
Should | a. Desirability (Keinginan) | You hair is too long you should cut it |
b. Obligation (kewajiban) | A: All students should obey the regulation of school |
sumber: Materi Bahasa inggris untuk UAN SMKN 4 Tangerang (2009)
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