Question tag merupakan bentuk pertanyaan berekor yang fungsinya untuk mempertegas suatu pernyataan
Syarat utama dalam question tag adalah:
Untuk memudahkan cara pembuatan tag, kalimat pernyataan di sini dibagi dua:
Syarat utama dalam question tag adalah:
- Bilamana kalimat pernyataan (kalimat mula-mula) dinyatakan dalam bentuk positif, maka tag (ekor)-nya harus dalam bentuk negatif.
- Bilamana kalimat pernyataan (kalimat mula-mula) dinyatakan dalam bentuk negatif, maka tag (ekor)-nya harus dalam bentuk positif.
+ (Statement),- (Question tag)? - (Statement),+ (Question tag)? |
- mengandung auxiliary
- tidak mengandung auxiliary
S + Auxiliary + V/be + O/Complement + Auxiliary not + S ? S + Auxiliary + V/be + 0/Complement + Auxiliary + S ? |
She is going to come here,isn't she?
He cannot go now, can he?
You will be here with me, won't you?
S + V2 + O,do/does not + S ? S + V2 + O,did not + S ? S + do/does/did not + V +O, do/does/did + S ? |
She loves me, doesn't she?
He went to school, didn't he?
We didn't see them, did we?
- Subject dalam pernyataan diulang dalam tag-nya di bentuk personal pronoun (kata ganti)
Contoh: Anto will be here, won't he? - Pernyataan dalam subject everybody,everythink,everyone,anybody,anyone,nobody,no one dalam tagnya di rubah "they"
contoh: No one cares of me, do they? - Pernyataannya perintah, tagnya "will you?"
contoh: Be quite, will you? - Pernyataan awalan let us/let's dalam tagnya jadi "shall we?"
contoh: Let's see the movie, shall we? - Pernyataan positif untuk "I am" tagnya "aren't I?"
contoh: I am pretty, aren't I? - Pernyataan mengandung kata never,seldom,rarely,barely,hardly,few,little dianggap negatif
contoh: She never seems to care, does she? - Pokok Kalimat
Contoh:- Swimming is good four our health
- Cooking ismy hobby
- Predikat
Contoh:- My hobby is cooking
- Swimming is moving the water
- Obyek
Contoh:- I appreciate having the opportunity to speak
- Could you postpone leaving?
- He can't laughing
- I don't like smoking
Daftar Kata yang di ikuti Gerund
Appreciate dislike finish leave off Avoid enjoy forgive mention Consider escape give up miss Delay excuse go on pardon Detest fancy (-)'(+) keep on practice Mind (-),(?) put off Recollect risk can't stand tidak dapat menahan Stop fond off can't help Understand object to can't hear Deny look forward to can't stop - Obyek Kata depan/Preposisi(on, in, at, bug, witch, after, before)
Contoh:- They smoke after eating
- Turn the machine on by presing the on button
- Gerund juga di gunakan sesudah Possesive Adjective
Contoh dalam kalimat- Our teacher won't like our coming late school
- I don't mind your talking
- Gerund sebagai Noun Modifier
Contoh: waiting room, measure-jug, drinking water, dinning room
- Note: Beberapa kata kerja yang dapat diikuti gerund/to infinitife
Advise cease intend permit start Agree continue leave prefer study Allow dread like propose try Attempt forget love regret Begin hate mean remember
- Note: Beberapa kata kerja yang dapat diikuti gerund/to infinitife
Gerund adalah verb (kata kerja) yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda.
Gerund dibentuk dari verb + ing
Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai :
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